Tuesday, September 13, 2005

POD Contest Concluded (conclusions to be drawn)

Your (irregular) P5 for Tuesday, September 13, 2005:

(1) WAITING FOR THE WORLD TO END: 4,872 (wow!) 5
(2) SUFFER IN SILENCE: 19,221 5
(4) ISN'T THAT BIGAMY?: 177,928 5
(5) COOKIN' FOR LOVE: 192,222 6

Did you happen to submit your novel to the Xerox Aspiring Author's Contest? Did you hear back from them? No?

Then you lost.

Too bad, too. Because $5,000 could've gone a long way. And 100 free copies of your magnum opus, which, if sold at $10 apiece (a steal!), you would have made another grand. That is more (read: much more) than a lot (read: most) small presses ever end up giving their authors for the life of a book. In fact, there are some major publishers who could claim the same (though likely would not.)

Xerox announced the winners yesterday and they are now on sale at Lulu. Only 250 books were submitted! You had a one-in-250 chance to win $5K? C'mon, man. You blew it. Unless you entered and lost. Wherein, you still blew it.

Who picked the books? Well, if you submitted your novel and lost, here is the bad news: "Esteemed book critics Maureen Corrigan of National Public Radio and Emily Chenoweth of Publishers Weekly selected [the winner] from more than 250 entries from across the country." These weren't some hack executive types. These were real people who read/review books for a living.

Of course, I have not read them, either--so no POD-dy Mouthed endorsement of said books as of yet. But rest assured I am way curious--and we'll see if one or more of them makes it in the running for the ever-prestigious Needle Awards.