SUFFER IN SILENCE by David Reid (VirtualBookworm)

But in this case: Wow! David Reid has penned (computered? keystroked?) an excellent tome about going through Hell Week as a Navy BUD (Basic Underwater Demolition)/SEAL-in-training. Sure, we've all read the books and seen the movies. A few of us managed to make it through G.I. Jane. But the descriptions and flowing narration make it stand out. And linger.
SUFFER IN SILENCE tells the story of Ensign Mark Grey as he enters the most gruesome phase of SEAL training: Hell Week (it sure ain't Heaven Week.) As the pressure mounts and strength diminishes (try going 120 hours without sleep or enduring repeated misery in freezing water) we get a true insight for what is going on in the minds of these determined folks. Throughout the story Ensign Grey pulls himself above the rest by showing his sensitive nature, one that makes the reader question whether or not he'll make it.
SUFFER rings very true with every sentence, but please note: it is descriptive--near horror level--and in a few places actually made me woozy. There are certainly enough nasty characters in this book (and, no, not a single one of them says, "may-o-naaaise") to freak you out for some time.
If you like anything in the war/military genre and want to feel the pain, then I highly recommend Reid's compelling book.
And here's another amazing thing: This book in hardcover format is only $23.95 at 340 pages. How rare. (Paperback is $15.95.)
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