Wading through the sea of Print-on-Demand titles, one overpriced paperback at a time--and giving you the buried treasure.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Who says POD covers stink? (I do, of course)
Yes, POD covers are pretty much bottom of the barrel. In fact, I have become quite deft at knowing if a book is POD or not simply by looking (even glancing) at the cover. However--not all POD covers stink, and here is your proof.
This cover (click to make it larger) comes from an anthology (published by Lulu) of stories, poems and essays to benefit the Red Cross for the Katrina victims. This is, without a doubt, one of the best covers I have seen in the POD world, and easily as good as the far majority of covers in the "traditionally published" world. Let's hope this is the beginning of a new wave in book covers for print-on-demand.
CONVICTION by Skylar Hamilton Burris (Virtualbookworm)
Anyone who has attended high school has read the classic Jane Austen novel (or the Cliff's Notes to) PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. What you might not have read are any of the sequels.
Why? Because none of them were written by Jane Austen.
It got me thinking about the difficulty in writing such a book. Would someone ever try to write the sequel to CATCHER IN THE RYE? Would Holden be a grown-up, Prozac-popping guy stuck in middle management? Or forever lost in some psychiatric ward? Most successful authors are afraid to attempt their own sequels--so you can imagine how hard it might be for someone to try and mimic the style and content of a decided master, then build upon the storyline.
It gives one a headache, really.
That said, I went back and re-read PRIDE AND PREJUDICE to get a foothold, then dove into CONVICTION (after verifying the writing was not horrid) without missing a beat. It wasn't long into the latter novel that I could tell I was turning the pages of a winner. CONVICTION is a wonderful continuation of Austen's novel, both lyrically and story-wise. Will I compare the two authors? What would be the point. It's sort of irrelevant and I don't need any extra emails of dissention coming my way. But rest assured that this book is wonderful and--PRIDE AND PREJUDICE aside--can stand alone as an excellent novel in and of itself. The characters are rich (and believable for the Regency period) the plot is delightful and you'll find Georgiana Darcy to be a moving heroine. Even if you haven't read P&P, you can still enjoy (and love) CONVICTION.
And if you haven't read the Austen classic yet, well . . . maybe it's time to find your local library.
At only $13.95 (for 260+ pages; a POD miracle) you will get enjoyment from every penny. Need a last minute holiday gift? You just found it.
I am an author and instructor, in that order (for now.) My debut novel (which debuted in the midlist) was released by Penguin Putnam in 2004 and my second novel was released early 2006.
As for this blog, it has been profiled in many online magazines, blogs and news stories, including the Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly, the Boston Globe, the Dallas Morning News, the LA Times and Publishers Lunch.
To answer the deluge of questions I have been receiving from publicists: I'll review pretty much anything that is good--but it better be good, or I'll never look at another one of your books again. Then I'll hunt you down. Fiction preferred (no fantasy or young adult, go easy on the science fiction.) Non-fiction should be memoir, humor, self-help. Definite no-nos: cookbooks, textbooks, porn, books without verbs. And it must be POD (no small presses.) Otherwise, email with pitch first.