Oh, here's one more crumb . . .
Read it, baby.
Wading through the sea of Print-on-Demand titles, one overpriced paperback at a time--and giving you the buried treasure.
Over at Lee Goldberg's blog, he gives the details from his latest iUniverse royalty statement for a few books that had been previously published (thus using iUniverse's Back in Print program for free. )
And lastly and certainly not least--and certainly not POD-related--Lauren Baratz-Logsted has not one, not two, but three books being released this month. All should be purchased and read:
(1) Lauren edited (and contributed to) THIS IS CHICK-LIT, a book of short-stories in direct response to the condescending and foolish THIS IS NOT CHICK LIT released last year by Random House. Check it out on Amazon and preview it. This is super stuff.
(2) HOW NANCY DREW SAVED MY LIFE has just been released by Red Dress Ink, a catchy, clever little Chick Lit diddy that will appeal to all of us with 20 or 30 Nancy Drew books tucked away from our childhood.
(3) VERTIGO, a turn-of-the-century (nineteenth, that is) erotic suspense-filled novel, will be released by Delta (Bantam) on September 26th.
There is a little something here for everyone. And if all else fails, start your holiday shopping now!