Wading through the sea of Print-on-Demand titles, one overpriced paperback at a time--and giving you the buried treasure.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
For the holiday . . .
. . . I am taking a break, sort of.
I plan to be hanging out with family and friends. And what will I be doing while sitting by the pool? (or stuck inside from Ernesto's deluge?) Reading PODs, baby. Well, and some commercially published stuff too. A girl can't live on PODs alone.
Believe me.
And speaking of a deluge, thanks for the extra 105 PODs I've gotten since Monday's post.
**As of February 1, 2007, I am not accepting submissions until further notice **
No, not that kind of submission, you perv.
I've been getting oodles of questions about what I will consider, how I respond, where to send and all that. So here you go. If you send your book to me and it doesn't meet these guidelines, well . . . you can guess what will happen to it.
What will I consider?
Well, I try to be open to almost anything. But I'm not. So . . . no science fiction, no poetry, no porn (or erotica), no fantasy, no cookbooks. Do I like those genres? Sure, but I am not a good judge of them, so they are excluded. Most nonfiction will be considered, but I prefer memoir and narrative nonfiction.
How do I submit my book?
Send a digital copy to this email address: girlondemand@yahoo.com. Do not ask for a physical address. You will not get one. If you only have a hard copy, well . . . I guess you didn't go POD, now, did you. And don't forget to include some sort of informal (or formal) description in the body of your email. Don't say, "Read this. You'll love it." Because I won't. And I won't.
When will I hear back from you?
You will not --unless I am reviewing/selecting your book. Typically, I review one in about 180 books. If you don't hear from me in the 2 -3 month range, I probably passed. No need to send a follow-up email; those get deleted quickly. If I responded to every book that was submitted, I'd need two full-time secretaries to keep up.
Will you give me feedback on my book even if you don't review it?
Hold on, let me catch my breath from this tear-inducing laughter.
Okay, let's give this a try. I'm hoping this will streamline things. I am about 500 emails behind and get about 350 a day, so . . . it can only help.
I am an author and instructor, in that order (for now.) My debut novel (which debuted in the midlist) was released by Penguin Putnam in 2004 and my second novel was released early 2006.
As for this blog, it has been profiled in many online magazines, blogs and news stories, including the Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly, the Boston Globe, the Dallas Morning News, the LA Times and Publishers Lunch.
To answer the deluge of questions I have been receiving from publicists: I'll review pretty much anything that is good--but it better be good, or I'll never look at another one of your books again. Then I'll hunt you down. Fiction preferred (no fantasy or young adult, go easy on the science fiction.) Non-fiction should be memoir, humor, self-help. Definite no-nos: cookbooks, textbooks, porn, books without verbs. And it must be POD (no small presses.) Otherwise, email with pitch first.